Beth + Drew |Lincoln, Nebraska|

Lincoln, Nebraska is home to some of the worlds best people. Exhibit A: Beth. Exhibit B: Drew. These two have a light they carry with them at all times. The pure joy and endless smiles you see them share were genuine & shined even brighter in-person.

Beth and Drew,

Loves of my freaking life. Wow. You guys have been in my life for years now, and the time we’ve spent together was made so much sweeter with your guys’ personalities and boundless love.
Drew, thank you for being such a good friend to my brother, and for extending that same warmth to me. Beth, your vibrant spirit fills every room you enter. You’ve managed to fit yourself into Drew’s life beautifully and I continue to see growth him in him that wouldn’t be possible without you.
It’s going to be impossible to forget this day (especially after the most memorable party bus ride of my career) and I hope you see that love in the following set of photos.

Mad love -

Carley Fields